#!/usr/bin/perl # pdfcat: concatenate PDF files into one file. # # Oct 8, 2013 by FUJIWARA Teruyoshi # # Copyright: Copyright (c) 2013 FUJIWARA Teruyoshi # License: Distributes under the same terms as perl # # Requirement: Text::PDF and CAM::PDF (you can get them at the CPAN.) # (This script is tested with CAM::PDF-1.58, Text::PDF-0.29.) # # Usage: Try "pdfcat --help" for help message. # use strict; use warnings; use CAM::PDF; use Getopt::Long; my $infile; my $opt_outfile = "out.pdf"; my $opt_overwrite; my $opt_help; my $msg_usage = "pdfcat [--outfile DEG] file1 file2 ... fileN"; my $msg_help = <<'EOS'; usage: pdfcat [--outfile FILENAME] file1 file2 ... fileN -o, --outfile FILENAME Specify filename of the generated PDF. -h, --help Show this help and exit. EOS GetOptions('outfile=s' => \$opt_outfile, '--help' => \$opt_help); if ($opt_help || $#ARGV < 0) { print $msg_help; exit; } my $f = shift(@ARGV); my $base = CAM::PDF->new($f); foreach my $f (@ARGV) { my $pdf = CAM::PDF->new($f); $base->appendPDF($pdf); } $base->cleanoutput($opt_outfile);